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Anthony Capstick

Business & Technology

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Brian Eno has remained one of my favourite music artists. I first saw him live with Roxy Music in the 70s at Preston Guildhall, and liked the electronic keyboards then. Hawkwind came to King George's Hall Blackburn (twice that I went to) and for me the 2 bands seemed about as far apart as you could get. Looking back they had a lot in common.
Another Day on Earth, which came out yesterday, takes me back to Taking Tiger Mountain, Before and After Science and Here Come the Warm Jets. Music which follows a style of its own.
I like it, and always wondered whether Eno would work through the composition of ambient music - the theme to the TV programme Athena is a haunting classic. Words and lyrics add an important dimension to his music. A terrific album in a world where there is a dire shortage of original sounds.
Bone Bomb is rightly hard hitting of the thin culture - nice one.
I wrote this note on the Isle of Skye and uploaded it to my Blog site using a satellite broadband connection from a croft in Staffin. I listened to the music using my Napster account, which allows me to search and play any track through the speakers of a computer. The album was officially released yesterday 13 June 2005, and Napster had it online and playable 14 June 2005.
Napster's software works very well and is easy to use. Download the free client software to your computer and then search by any track or artist name - its a gigantic online jukebox.

Click on image to enlarge.

This photograph was taken earlier today looking north toward the Outer Hebrides (in the distance) over Staffin jetty, North Skye. The nuclear submarine is making the wake above the first island.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Covered the rise and rise of Google last night for World Service Newshour. In August last year, when the stock was floated, people were saying it was overvalued. Less than a year later, Google has nearly trebled in value.

What's going on?

Like Hoover, Google is now a verb, and people ask "Have you Googled it?" in response to a question.

I still feel the same as last year. If Google can come from nowhere to where it is now, in such a short space of time, what's to stop something else rising from nowhere? Microsoft and Yahoo are not far behind with similar search technology.
Anyone for a long antique table? Long-Antique-Tables: For Sale
Check out - hilarious. Most places are covered, and each town is described by people in the know.